Thursday, 15 August 2013

Strawberry trails

On an early Sunday morning sometime back in March, the five of us decided to trek up to the Kantragre Denrima view point (in the outskirts of Tura). Though one can go to the above destination by a vehicle it’s always more fun to trek. And the route that we took was the (supposed) old British highway which is now a less travelled track. Just before one reaches the view point is a spot called Denrima (den.a=to chop), and it had offered a great vantage point to see if enemy troops were approaching, and a number a beheadings had occurred at this point. It is also rumoured that this particular point of the trail is haunted.  

When we reached the viewpoint we decided to push further to the village of Kantragre because we thought the trek had ended just a wee bit too fast (we’d trekked for about an hour and half and it was still quite early in the morning). On finally arriving at the village, about half an hour later, we went hunting for long lost relatives. One was found and after introductions we were showered with the most delicious strawberries. And an ever bigger treat was offered as we were taken to the strawberry farm and freshly plucked strawberries were packed for us for our trek back to Tura. 

Having grown up with synthetic strawberry flavoured goods, I unfortunately preferred it as it was sweet and I usually found the real thing a bit too sour....but the Kantragre strawberries changed all that. It was ‘that’ good. Trust me.

How to get the strawberries: A comfortable pair of shoes, good company and a little luck in finding relatives who might have a strawberry farm .......heh heh  

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