Wednesday, 28 August 2013

An idiot’s guide to bitchi

Most tribal communities have their own form of liquor. It’s usually rice based and is referred to as rice beer in most places.

The Garo’s version is called BITCHI. The liquor is made from a combination of sticky and everyday/normal rice that’s left to ferment. The rice is placed in an earthen pot with a bamboo filter in the centre to collect the fermented liquor. This concentrated undiluted liquor is called bitchi or rice wine. After the bitchi is collected, water is added to the remaining contents in the earthen pot which thus gives rice beer or dika (this is what I’ve been told so do correct me if I’m wrong).

Friends who are regular drinkers of bitchi/dika have mentioned that one does not feel the alcohol’s impact when drinking it but the hangovers are pretty bad. So ‘dearies’, kindly drink with caution.

Where to get bitchi? There is no proper store from where one can get this local liquor, but residents of Tura usually go to the outskirts, to nearby villages to get them. And though I’m tempted to mention a few places I think I’ll refrain this time around as I don’t want to be pelted with pebbles from righteous teetotallers … ;-) (with due respect to them).

Another fun aspect of going bitchi hunting is that you get to meet really nice, warm and humble people from the village and you get to see their somewhat traditional kitchen.

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